ChIPs Network

ChIPs is proud to partner with organizations that complement our mission to advance women in tech, law and policy. Learn more about these organizations and how we partner with them in support of our mission and our community.

Four women seated on stage at the ChIPs Global Summit, engaged in a panel discussion. The backdrop displays the ChIPs logo and the text 'Advancing Women in Tech, Law, Policy.' Each woman is seated in a chair with microphones and water glasses on small tables in front of them.

Diversity Lab

We partner with Diversity Lab on the Inclusion Blueprint, an annual survey that is open to Am Law 200 firms by invitation.

In 2017, ChIPs teamed up with Diversity Lab to create the Inclusion Blueprint. This initiative provides diversity benchmarks of historically underrepresented groups (female lawyers, underrepresented racial/ethnic lawyers, LGBTQ+ lawyers and lawyers with disabilities) in law firm leadership and across practice groups, including IP.

The Inclusion Blueprint also includes efforts for law firms to adopt to ensure their lawyers have fair and equal access to compensation, leadership roles and other critical career-enhancing opportunities.

International Trademark Association

INTA is a global association of brand owners and professionals dedicated to supporting trademarks and complementary intellectual property (IP) to foster consumer trust, economic growth and innovation. INTA is committed to building a better society through brands.

They speak for brand owners by fostering effective laws and policies worldwide on trademark and related rights and to harmonize the implementation of those rights.

In a collaborative effort between dedicated volunteers and staff engaged in 19 advocacy committees, INTA strategically focuses on the most pressing issues for brand protection and enforcement.

Institute for Inclusion in the Legal Profession

As ChIPs seeks to advance women in IP, we partner with IILP, a leading DEI think tank. Since 2009, IILP has provided the profession with a unique set of empirical tools to facilitate a more diverse, equitable and inclusive legal profession that is reflective of the society it serves. Widely recognized as the authoritative source for DEI in the legal profession, IILP’s innovative educational programs, research and publications inspire the profession to think about, and approach, its persistent DEI challenges in new ways.

National Association of Women Lawyers

ChIPs is proud to partner with the NAWL for their 2024 General Counsel Institute (“GCI”), a conference curated for women working in-house.

With in-house counsel comprising over 70% of the audience, GCI creates a unique environment to connect with other women counsel, share the highs and lows of in-house life and build legal and leadership skills.
We hope to see you in New York City on Nov. 6-8!

American Intellectual Property Law Association

ChIPs partners with AIPLA on membership and events to bring top-notch programming to our members across the country.

Founded in 1897, AIPLA is a national bar association constituted primarily of practitioners in private and corporate practice, in government service and in the academic community. AIPLA represents a wide and diverse spectrum of individuals from law firms, companies and institutions involved directly or indirectly in the practice of patent, trademark, copyright, trade secret and unfair competition law, as well as other fields of law affecting intellectual property. Our members represent both owners and users of intellectual property.