Branded virtual events featuring your organization and its people.
Introducing ChIPs Accelerators — an opportunity to put your organization, its mission and its people directly in front of 7000+ ChIPs members worldwide. Your live event and on-demand content is 60 minutes branded and hosted by your leadership. Promoted to our entire membership, it will be streamed live and later featured on the ChIPs website and YouTube channel.

ChIPs Accelerators
ChIPs Accelerators
Inside Look
“ChIPs Accelerators-Inside Look” is a recruitment tool that focuses on your organization’s corporate culture. Interviews with ChIPs members who work in your organization shed light on why they chose to work there and how the organization’s commitment to advancing women has enabled them to thrive.

Event Format
For scheduling and more information on how you can spotlight your organization and your people with ChIPs diverse global membership, contact Bridget Johnson.
- Hosted and presented by your leaders. Law firms may include a client.
- Topics vetted by ChIPs and have our “seal of approval”
- Events are conducted live on Zoom at 9:30 am PT (12:30 pm ET)
- Posted on ChIPs website (5,000 monthly visitors)
- Hosted on ChIPs YouTube channel and embeddable on your site
- Distributed via social media
- You may also feature the content on your website and social media
- Law firms are invited to apply for MCLE accreditation for their event
ChIPs Accelerators
ChIPs Accelerators
Video Series
ChIPs Accelerators: Breaking Barriers with Winston & Strawn & Wells Fargo
ChIPs January 17, 2024 9:19 pm
ChIPs Accelerators | Transform Your Patent Prosecution: Managing Patent Search Demand
ChIPs April 26, 2024 3:39 pm