Philadelphia Chapter Event: An Evening to Discover Wine Pairings for Everyday Situations

On June 12th, more than 50 ChIPsters gathered at Barbuzzo restaurant in Philadelphia for an evening to try different wines and great food from two of Philadelphia’s leading restauranteurs — Chefs Marcie Blaine and Valerie Safran, owners of Barbuzzo. Attendees sampled food and drink from their array of restaurants, which include not just Barbuzzo, but […]
ChIPs and Akin Gump Host Post-Election Discussion

A record number of women ran for and won Congressional seats in the 2018 Midterm Elections. In recognition of the historic gains women made and the role women played in the election, the DC Chapter of ChIPs held a post-election roundup event on November 13, 2018 focusing on the “Year of the Woman.” The event […]