ChIPs Names Honor Roll Firms

ChIPs Network has named seven leading law firms to its Honor Roll for 2024. Davis Graham & Stubbs, Morrison Foerster, Nixon Peabody, Orrick, Sheppard Mullin, and Willkie Farr & Gallagher were recognized for excellence in gender inclusion. Morgan Lewis was recognized for excellence in inclusion for all. This is the seventh presentation of ChIPs Honor […]
6 Things I Learned from the ChIPs ALI Program

The 2018 ChIPs ALI Program held June 12 and 13 in San Francisco gave female high school students and recent graduates a unique introduction to the world of high-tech law. Over the course of the two-day program, 30 students from across the Bay Area gained exposure to a diverse group of women leaders. A panel of […]
The ChIPs ALI Program: What We Learned

One of ChIPs’ core commitments is to motivate, educate, and inspire the next generation of women leaders and innovators. As one of those young women, I was fortunate to participate in the second annual ChIPs Advocacy Leadership Innovation (ALI) Program for Teen Girls. Day 1: Understanding Terms, Gaining Knowledge, Observing First-Hand We kicked off the […]
ChIPs ALI Program for High School Girls Completes Its Second Year

Engagement and commitment of our members are two primary reasons for ChIPs’ success. As part of our mission, ChIPs seeks to motivate, train and provide opportunities to the next generation of women leaders exploring careers in technology, law and policy. To that end, ChIPs is pleased to announce that we held our second year of […]