We’re thrilled to announce the launch of summer programming for ChIPs Student members.
Summer is an important time for students to build their professional skills and network. Typically this starts with their summer programs, but this year, due to COVID-19, summer programs have gone remote, been shortened, or even canceled. This leaves students at a loss as they try to develop their professional skills and connect with lawyers.
With this in mind, we approached our resident law student, part-time team member, and rising 3L at the University of California, Davis – School of Law, Alicia Briggs, for her advice. And in true Alicia fashion, she responded with an ambitious proposal for a series of networking events, skills building workshops and community groups. We were therefore ecstatic when Alicia said yes to working with us this summer so she could lead these programs. Thank you, Alicia!
Here’s a preview of what we have lined up for our student members this summer:
July Events
Writing Coaching Program:
Writing is often cited as one of the most important skills in law. Due to the current situation, many law schools implemented pass fail grading for spring 2020 classes. According to recruiters, this will lead to an increased focus on already important writing samples. But, shorted and canceled programs make developing a writing sample even more challenging.
The ChIPs Writing Coach Program will connect members with a student who the member will supervise in researching and writing a memo. Coaches will provide feedback on student research and writing skills. Coaching will take place during the month of July.
Effective Virtual Communication Tips for Summer Associates and Virtual Pitch Workshop:
Every year, we have a mock exercise for new attorneys. This year, we want to give our student members a valuable chance to learn about pitching.
Marsha Redmon is a former big law attorney and former TV journalist who trains lawyers on how to communicate more powerfully. She will present a workshop customized for our ChIPs student members. She will give tips on how to make yourself stand out in the virtual environment. She’ll review communication tips that are unique to virtual communication. Then she’ll lead a virtual pitch workshop that will help hone interviewing skills, as well as helping to foster connections and networks. You’ll learn how to project confidence and make a strong first impression.
August Events
Next Gen Summit:
For the first time ever, students will have the opportunity to participate in the Next Gen Summit, our annual event for junior attorneys in the first 10-12 years of their practice.
The 2020 Virtual Next Gen will take place over August 4, 5, and 6, and will include skilled based workshops, a judiciary panel on “Advocating for Yourself”, and a fireside chat with ChIPs board members Katherine Minarik and Sarita Venkat, who also co-host the Heels of Justice podcast featuring trailblazing women lawyers. Our full agenda is here. Registration opens June 29.

State of the Market Talk & Resume Workshop:
This panel discussion, featuring Andrea Shaheen of Intel, will give students the inside scoop and lend insight on how IP departments are handling things and what that means for job prospects.
Andrea worked at Santa Clara Law for several years in the Office of Career Management. She was the head of all law school recruiting at Wilson Sonsini for two years. Andrea currently works in-house at Intel and has co-led their D&I 1L summer program for the past two years. She also teaches “Critical Lawyering Skills,” a mandatory class for 1Ls at Santa Clara Law.
We also know how important resumes are to your job search, so we want to help our students get theirs into tip-top shape. This event will help law students whip their resumes into shape! We’ll be offering 15 minute appointments where you’ll get targeted feedback on how to make your resume its strongest.
Promotion Ceremony:
ChIPs will be holding a special Promotion Ceremony on August 21st to recognize student ChIPsters who are graduating. We’ll highlight everyone who is transitioning into full professional status by launching their legal careers. Board members Dorian Daley, Executive Vice President and General Counsel of Oracle Corporation; and Stephanie Burns Vice President & Associate General Counsel, Devices & Lab 126 at Amazon, will speak to students at this special ceremony.
All Summer Long
Community Groups for Specific Topics:
Our online ChIPs student community is a place for our student members to connect with other students.
We’ve launched two new groups in our online student community to expand the options for connecting.
Course Advising – This group is intended to be an online forum for our students to discuss classes they are taking or plan to take. This group is an opportunity to seek out your peer’s advice on all things academic.
Click this link to join – Course Advising
ChIPs Bar Review – This is a relaxed space for students to connect with each other and just have fun. This is a great place to socialize talk about TV shows, Madame CJ Walker Netflix mini series, or the Space Force debate
Click this link to join – ChIPs Bar Review
Know someone who would benefit from our student programming? Have them join us as a student member: https://bit.ly/chips-students