The Summer of ChIPs: Our Lineup of Student Programming

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of summer programming for ChIPs Student members. Summer is an important time for students to build their professional skills and network. Typically this starts with their summer programs, but this year, due to COVID-19, summer programs have gone remote, been shortened, or even canceled. This leaves students at a […]
The Clients Are Real, the Pitches Are Just for Practice

In-house counsel get pitched all the time, but they often see the same faces. On Thursday, they saw some new ones, thanks to an event aimed at giving female associates and junior partners a chance to practice winning business. “We see a lot of pitches, but—no surprise given the few women in senior leadership roles in […]
Making a Winning Pitch

ChIPs is pleased to announce its inaugural “Making a Winning Pitch” event. We are providing a group of sponsor law firms an opportunity to participate in a mock pitch session before a panel of senior in-house decision makers. This will be an invaluable forum for high-potential associates and junior partners to gain experience in both creating and presenting pitches to in-house clients and prospects.