The ChIPs ALI Program: What We Learned

One of ChIPs’ core commitments is to motivate, educate, and inspire the next generation of women leaders and innovators. As one of those young women, I was fortunate to participate in the second annual ChIPs Advocacy Leadership Innovation (ALI) Program for Teen Girls. Day 1: Understanding Terms, Gaining Knowledge, Observing First-Hand We kicked off the […]
Haute Tech 2: ChIPsters Discuss Fashion & Tech in New York City

On March Friday, March 31, 2017, the East Coast Chapter of ChIPs presented “Haute Tech 2: A Conversation with Innovators” at Kirkland & Ellis in New York City.
The panel included fashion entrepreneurs and legal professionals (listed below), and was organized by ChIPs East Coast Co-Chair, Kathi Cover and Karin Norton, who also moderated.
ChIPster Spotlight: Kathi Cover

ChIPs exists because of our members – each of you is an important part of this vibrant, giving community that we have created together. We are constantly inspired and impressed by your different backgrounds and diverse paths you’ve taken, both in and out of the office. We’ve so enjoyed hearing updates from ChIPsters that we’ve […]
ChIPs Global Summit 2016: Event Wrap-Up

The fifth annual ChIPs Women in Technology, Law and Policy Global Summit took place September 15-16th, 2016 at the Mandarin Oriental in Washington, DC. This year’s summit brought together over 500 women from all over the country to share experiences and ideas, network, and work together to further the advancement of women in IP, technology and policy.
ChIPs Inaugural Next Gen Summit

On Wednesday, September 14, ChIPs hosted the inaugural Next Gen Summit at WilmerHale and Sidley Austin LLP in Washington, DC for 230 ambitious young professionals. Building off of the continual success of ChIPs’ widely popular pre-Summit mock exercises, the organization expanded their programming to individuals in the first fifteen years of their careers. The day began with mock exercises and included a full afternoon of events tailored to the next generation of women leaders.
When Patience Stops Being a Virtue – Fixing our Diversity Problems Faster

Silicon Valley is all about doing things faster – getting to market quickly, embracing agility, innovating at a staggering pace. And yet we’ve been OK to let diversity initiatives crawl along at a percent improvement each year (and that’s if we’re lucky).
The Rise of Stiletto Networks – Top 5 Women’s Power Circles

Based in: Silicon Valley Co-founders: Anirma Gupta, Deputy General Counsel, Intuit Noreen Krall, Chief Litigation Counsel, Apple Michelle Lee, Director of the Silicon Valley United States Patent and Trademark Office Julie Mar-Spinola, VP Legal, Alta Devices Mona Sabet, VP, Business Development, Cadence Design Systems Emily Ward, Deputy General Counsel, Technology and Patents, eBay Mallun Yen, Executive […]
The Clients Are Real, the Pitches Are Just for Practice

In-house counsel get pitched all the time, but they often see the same faces. On Thursday, they saw some new ones, thanks to an event aimed at giving female associates and junior partners a chance to practice winning business. “We see a lot of pitches, but—no surprise given the few women in senior leadership roles in […]
Making a Winning Pitch

ChIPs is pleased to announce its inaugural “Making a Winning Pitch” event. We are providing a group of sponsor law firms an opportunity to participate in a mock pitch session before a panel of senior in-house decision makers. This will be an invaluable forum for high-potential associates and junior partners to gain experience in both creating and presenting pitches to in-house clients and prospects.
Women’s work-Three steps closer to gender equality

The Recorder invited Mallun Yen, the executive vice president of RPX and the former head of global IP at Cisco, to deliver the keynote address at a Sept. 25 reception honoring The Recorder’s 50 Women Leaders in Tech Law. Below is a condensed version of her talk. Many of you know that I am a […]