ChIPs Network

Our Pro Bono Opportunity Portal: A Partnership with Paladin

We’re excited to announce a partnership with Paladin, an organization dedicated to increasing access to justice by helping legal teams run more efficient pro bono programs. Through the nationwide disaster relief pro bono portal developed jointly with the ABA Young Lawyers Division’s Disaster Legal Services Program (DLS) and Paladin, the partnership will help ChIPs’ 3,500 […]

Marie Weisfeiler Awarded 2020 Rachel Krevans Scholarship

Congratulations to Marie Weisfeiler, of Columbia Law School, recipient of our 2020 Rachel Krevans Scholarship! Growing up, Marie’s family instilled in her the importance of diverse ideas and perspectives. Having fled their native land under the threat of tyranny and persecution and being welcomed into the United States as refugees, her family understood how rare […]

Embracing Change and Uncertainty: a Conversation

On April 3, 2020,  Laetitia Benard in Paris and I in London welcomed ChIPsters across Europe (and the US) for a virtual event on change and uncertainty. Joined by ChIPs Board Members Jennifer Yokoyama (Deputy GC of IP Group and Chief IP Counsel at Microsoft), Sarita Venkat (Head of Global IP Transactions at Apple) and […]

Virtual Event Recap: Why We Should All Double Down on Diversity and Inclusion Right Now

On April 16th, ChIPs hosted our first Virtual Roundtable, “Why We Should All Double Down on Diversity & Inclusion Right Now,” with Diversity Lab’s Caren Ulrich Stacy and Leila Hock. The 2008 recession increased gender and racial minority inequalities and the pay gap among those groups significantly. As a profession, it has taken us almost […]

We’re All in This Together: Atlanta Virtual Event Recap

We are all in this together. ChIPs was formed through personal connection – seven women joining forces, and having conversations. Today we are a community of more than 3,000 women globally…and last week we discovered the power of virtual community and connection. On April 8th, the ChIPs Atlanta chapter hosted “Maintaining Our Connections During Challenging […]

Member Spotlight: Hon. Elizabeth Laporte

ChIPs Member Spotlight: Hon. Elizabeth Laporte Hon. Elizabeth D. Laporte (Ret.) spent more than two decades as a United States magistrate judge for the Northern District of California. As Chief United States Magistrate Judge for the Northern District of California (2013 to 2015), she presided over numerous civil cases with the parties’ consent, with a […]

ChIP Leadership Join for a Virtual Conversation on “Leading in Times of Turmoil”

Last week ChIPs leadership hosted a virtual roundtable with our ChIPs community of women in tech, law and policy. The conversation spotlighted how these women are leading their teams and organizations during this time of turmoil.  As a follow-up to this dialogue, we have included below some of the sage advice and inspiration shared by […]

Rachel Krevans Scholarship Past Winners: Where Are They Now?

In 2018, ChIPs established the Rachel Krevans Scholarship to encourage women to pursue careers in intellectual property law. We established the scholarship to honor the memory of Rachel Krevans, a renowned intellectual property litigator at Morrison & Foerster LLP, and to promote diversity in IP, a practice area central to ChIPs’ roots. Krevans was a […]

Member Spotlight: Mindy Morton

ChIPs Member Spotlight: Mindy Morton Mindy Morton is an Internet and Intellectual Property Litigator at Procopio, Cory, Hargreaves & Savitch. Mindy’s practice focuses on internet and intellectual property litigation. She litigates cutting-edge cases at the intersection of technology and free speech issues. She defends internet companies against defamation, copyright, trademark and related claims on First […]