10.00am AEDT
This year’s International Women’s Day theme is #BreakTheBias. Jessica Lai, Associate Professor of Commercial Law, Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand and author of “Patent Law and Women: Tackling Gender Bias in Knowledge Governance” will talk about gender bias in patenting, revealing the inherent biases of the patent system, and outlining ways in which we can work together to break the bias.
Register Here – https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwpdeCgpz4uEtG9Y2JjJVCnr6HuPR-3izSD
Jessica Lai
Associate Professor Jessica Lai specialises in intellectual property, especially patent law, the protection of Mātauranga Māori, and patents and gender. Jessica is the author of Indigenous Cultural Heritage and Intellectual Property Rights (Springer, 2014) and Patent Law and Women (Routledge, 2022), as well as Patent Law and Policy (LexisNexis, 2016, with Susy Frankel), and numerous articles and chapters. She gained her doctorate (summa cum laude) in Law from the University of Lucerne, Switzerland. She also studied law and chemistry at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, where she obtained an LLB Hons (First Class), MSc (First Class) and BSc. She is the Head of School of the School of Accounting and Commercial Law, which she joined in August 2016. Jessica was named a Rutherford Discovery Fellow by the New Zealand Royal Society in 2021.
Maryam Khajeh Tabari
Maryam Khajeh Tabari is a Principal at Chrysiliou IP and the Lead Lecturer at the University of Technology Sydney for the Patent Practice subjects in the Masters of Intellectual Property. Maryam has over 18 years of experience as a Patent Attorney and in IP and commercialisation. She graduated from UNSW with a BE in Computer Engineering (Hons) and a Masters of Biomedical Engineering, as well as Diploma of Innovation Management. She also holds a Juris Doctor and Masters of Industrial Property from UTS. Maryam was the President of the Sydney Division of Engineers Australia in 2011 (the youngest person to hold that post).