A full-day multinational event in Brussels
  • 11:00 to 21:00 CET
  • Brussels welcomes ChIPs Europe for its third ChIPs European Summit on Thursday, September 21 at DLA Piper in Bussels.

    As the home base for many of the EU’s institutions, Brussels is the epicenter of policy and regulatory reform touching on all areas of innovation, investment and growth. Just this year, two major reform packages were announced by the European Commission which promise to radically impact the life sciences, tech and IOT industries. Against these big changes, Europe has also finally opened the doors to the Unified Patent Court shaking up the global patent litigation status quo.

    With experts, leaders and judges, the third ChIPs European Summit will be delving into these important issues, identifying the key levers in the developments that will positively (and negatively) impact business and what the future of equity and inclusion in health and technology looks like.

    Thursday, September 21, 2023
    11:00 – 21:00 CET

    11.00-11.30 Registration & networking

    11.30 Conference begins

    18.00 Conference ends

    18.00 onwards Cocktail reception overlooking the Brussels skyline

    Hybrid (streaming available for in-house counsel and judges only)
    DLA Piper, Tweed Building, Rue aux Laines 70, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium

    To request your ticket, please visit https://chipsnetwork.swoogo.com/europeansummit2023



    Panel session 1: Judges’ Panel

    Panel session 2: European Union Regulatory Developments in Tech

    Panel session 3: EU Regulatory Developments in Life Sciences

    Panel session 4: Health and Equality – What does a more inclusive regulatory landscape look like?

    ChIPs Europe


    Sponsoring Host
    DLA Piper

    Diamond Sponsors
    Allen & Overy
    Hogan Lovells
    Simmons & Simmons
    William Fry
    Wilmer Hale

    Platinum Sponsors
    Portolano Cavallo
    Powell Gilbert