Presented by ChIPs Europe
  • 6:00 – 8:00 pm CET (9:00 - 11:00 am PST)
  • This annual event is a celebration of achievements across diversity, equity and inclusion and will feature an esteemed panel of National and UPC women Judges who will share views on injunctions, conduct of hearings and conflicts of interest in the new UPC system by comparison with current national approaches.


    Building on the success of last year’s inaugural event, join in-house counsel, private practice lawyers, policy makers and industry observers to celebrate International Women’s Day and hear from an esteemed panel of women Judges on hot topics in the new UPC system.


    National Judges from across the UK, Europe and potentially the U.S., as well as Unified Patent Court Judges. These judges will be announced over the next few weeks

    • Judge Mélanie Bessaud (France),  UPC Judge Central Division, Munich, Conseillère référendaire à la Cour de cassation;  Chambre commerciale, financière et économique; Juge à la juridiction unifiée des brevets
    • Judge Anne-Kristin Fricke (Germany), Spokesperson and Presiding Judge at the Munich Court for patent infringement proceedings
    • Judge Rian Kalden (Netherlands), UPC Presidium & Presiding judge of the second panel of the Court of Appeal, Court of Appeal, The Hague
    • Judge Yolanda Rios Lopez (Spain), Commercial Court nº 1 of Barcelona specialized in patents and designs
    • Judge Nathalie Sabotier (France), Tribunal judiciaire de Paris. Présidente 3ème chambre
    • Judge Pat Treacy, Deputy High Court Judge, England and Wales (Chancery Division) and Senior Counsel, Bristows, London and Brussels

    The session will be co-moderated by:

    • Laëtitia Bénard, Co-chair ChIPs European Chapters and Partner at Allen & Overy, Paris
    • Annsley Merelle Ward, Co-chair ChIPs European Chapters and Partner at WilmerHale, London